An inspection is a visual examination of the structure and systems of a building. If you are thinking of buying a home, condominium, mobile home, or commercial building, you should have it thoroughly inspected before the final purchase by an experienced and impartial professional inspector.
Our company has streamlined the home inspection process, making it simple and easy for our customers. We can assure you that no matter the size of your home, we provide the same high quality professional service to everyone.
Our Essential Home Inspection includes a thorough visual investigation of the home's readily accessible features, major systems and their components such as: Roof, Exterior, Basement, Foundation, Crawlspace and Structure, Heating, Cooling, Plumbing, Electrical, Fireplace, Attic, Insulation and Ventilation, Doors, Windows and Interior.
A Repair Inspection happens after you have had a home inspection completed, you asked for repairs and the seller agrees to make said asked for repairs.
Our Repair Inspection will consist of a thorough evaluation of the items that were agreed upon by both parties to be repaired. We will need a copy of the repair addendum which lists all agreed upon items to be repaired.
The purpose of our pool inspection is not only to make sure the system is functional, but to ensure that your pool is safe to swim in. The risk associated with swimming pools is that of electric shock.
What is the Risk?
The Consumer Product Safety Commission reports that since 1990 there have been 60 electrocutions and nearly 50 serious electrical shocks involving electrical hazards in and around swimming pools. The risk associated with swimming pools is that of electric shock, due to a reduction of body resistance because a person is wet, and also the possibility that a person is in contact with earth potential.
Pool Safety!
Before you consider jumping into your new pool without having it inspected, please ensure that you understand electrical fundamentals, grounding versus bonding, NEC requirements related to swimming pool bonding, Neutral-to-Earth (NEV) voltage related to utility wiring, and how to troubleshoot to ensure your swimming pool is properly bonded.
Radon is a colorless, odorless and tasteless radioactive gas that occurs naturally in most rocks and soil. This gas is produced by the breakdown of uranium in soil, rock and water. Radon is harmlessly dispersed in outdoor air. However, when trapped in buildings, as the levels elevate, it can increase the risk of lung cancer.
What is the health risk?
According to the Surgeon General, exposure to radon gas is the second leading cause of lung cancer in the United States. The EPA stated in their 2003 document, Assessment of Risks from Radon in Homes, radon is estimated to cause about 21,000 lung cancer deaths per year. However, the time between exposure and the onset of cancer may be many years. Radon is not known to cause other illnesses or problems such as upper respiratory infections, colds or allergic reactions.
When looking for an individual to evaluate your home for potential indoor mold growth it is important to use someone that is not involved in the remediation process. That is exactly what Westbrook Homes offers, unbiased mold testing without a conflict of interest.
According to the EPA, molds can be found almost anywhere; they can grow on virtually any organic substance, as long as there is a food source, appropriate temperatures, and a source of moisture. This means that it is virtually impossible to eliminate all mold and mold spores in the indoor environment.
However, mold growth can be controlled indoors by controlling moisture indoors. Stop the source of the moisture, and you stop the growth of mold.
NOTE: If a mold-like substance is discovered during a Mold Screening or other visual evaluation, the only way to know POSITIVELY if it is mold would be to send a sample to a lab for analysis.
Mold testing is appropriate when a mold-like growth needs to be identified absolutely (is it mold or not?) OR when a hidden mold problem is suspected. Red flags that typically indicate the need for testing:
• Visible mold-like growth
• Musty odor anywhere in the home
• Family member with allergies or other illness
• Construction or Plumbing defects
• Poorly maintained or dirty heating and air system
• Evidence of past or present water infiltration (moisture intrusion)
• Cracks in bath tile, missing caulk, failed toilet seals, or leaking drains
If you suspect mold, STOP. Do no work before calling Westbrook Homes for guidance! In order to confirm that mold has been eliminated, it's important to test BEFORE work begins, then AFTER work has been completed. This will give you a comparison to gauge whether the work was successful in cleaning the mold issue. If you are concerned about the possible presence of mold in your home, please call us to explain the situation so we can guide you to the best solution - we're here to help!
A term for naturally occurring fibrous minerals. Asbestos includes chrysotile, crocidolite, amosite (cummingtonite-grunerite asbestos), tremolite asbestos, actinolite asbestos, anthophyllite asbestos, and any of these minerals that have been chemically treated and/or altered. Asbestos is a health hazard in many homes. Asbestos exposure can cause lung cancer.
An estimated 20,000 people will die each year for the next 30 years from asbestos exposure. Our laboratory evaluated test identifies asbestos fibers to as little as 1% content by weight and is more sensitive than EPA guidelines. Our LAB utilizes Polarized Light Microscopy (PLM). Typical turnaround time is 4 business days.
The mere presence of asbestos in your home is not hazardous. Generally, material in good condition will not release asbestos fibers and disturbing it may create a health hazard where none existed before.
The best thing to do with asbestos material in good condition is leave it alone. The danger comes from asbestos material that has been damaged over time. Asbestos that crumbles easily if handled, or that has been sawed, scraped, or sanded into a powder is likely to release asbestos fibers and create a health hazard.
If you suspect a part of your home may contain asbestos, check periodically for tears, abrasions or water damage. If you discover slightly damaged material, limit access to the area and do not touch or disturb it. If asbestos material is more than slightly damaged, or if you are going to make changes in your home that might disturb it, professional repair or removal is needed.
Chinese drywall refers to drywall imported from China (from approximately 2001 to 2007) which contains extraneous metals and minerals, such as sulfur, strontium and iron. Under certain environmental conditions (typically warm, humid climates), the drywall will emit sulfur gasses. These gasses create a noxious odor, corroding copper and other metal surfaces. Therefore, damage can occur to the air conditioner, electrical wiring, copper plumbing, appliances and electronics.
Chinese drywall can also cause adverse health effects, which are primarily irritant and somewhat temporary in nature. However, long term health effects due to continuous exposure are unknown at this time.
Please note: Not all drywall manufactured in China is defective.
What is the health risk?
According to Dr. Patricia Williams, a University of New Orleans toxicologist, highly toxic compounds have been found in Chinese drywall. Prolonged exposure to these compounds can cause serious problems. The chemical compound, Strontium sulfide, may be dangerous to developing children as it affects bone growth. Chronic exposure to these gases may affect the central nervous system (including visual and sensory changes), cardiovascular system, eyes, kidneys, liver and skin.
Infants, children, the elderly (particularly those with heart and lung disease and diabetes) and pets may have an increased vulnerability to these gases and the particulates that are released from the drywall.
While most of the sprinkler system is located underground, we can assess the sprinkler operation. Our lawn sprinkler evaluation will give you the confidence that your sprinkler system is operating as designed.
Due to the possibility of freezing temperatures during the winter months, we are unable to test an irrigation system as this could damage the system.